Saturday 28 September 2013

Awesome News For The Beloved Mr. Reader

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
I have some news for you, dear reader, that will get you ecstatic with unbelieving joy.
Believe it or not, I’m going to stop posting on Mescellany.
After long experience I have learnt that this type of blog has got no net – life. I’m going to stop my drab posts here. I’ve gotta go. I’ve got blogs to destroy.
And so, my dear, beloved, much-loved, adored, treasured, darling, adorable, sweet, Mr. Reader, I wish thee farewell, whoever on earth thou may be. You, and you alone, have always been my sole inspiration and driving force throughout this drab project. You have helped me to fail so many times, and when I did so, you gave me the strength to fail even more greatly. Yes, my dear, beloved, Mr. Reader, you, and you alone, have always been my sole inspiration even though you did not comment, view my every post, share my posts, work for my net popularity, and ‘like’ my blog. Sheesh, what kind of a reader are you?!  Much-loved, adored, treasured, darling, adorable, and sweet? Rot.
Errr – ahem.
Give me a minute’s pause, please, for my sentiments of great gratitude to settle.
Ahem. I guess that’s enough of sarcasm. Musn’t over –do it. No, no.
Please do comment on this probably-the-last post of this blog.
[Coldly] And no, dear beloved Mr. Reader, I wasn’t talking to you.
God bless.

Theory Of Mescism

JMJ Jesus
The notable, laudable, and praiseworthy ‘Theory Of Mescism’ was propounded by me, duh, on September 28, 2013. It states that ‘Whenever an individual produces an amount of boring and drab miscellany, it is referred to as mescellany’.
It was according to this theory that this blog was named.
This post is yet another notable, laudable, and praiseworthy example of mescellany.
I hope you did not enjoy this mescellanic post.
God bless.

Genre Of Mescism

                                                                                JMJ Jesus
The genre of Mescism was popularized by Weirdo Author Kibroth, and was introduced by the same in his infamous blog Mescellany. According to his definition, a mescist blog is a blog that focuses on boring miscellany like this blog does.
The author is wondering if he should release branded Mescellany T-shirts, hats, school bags, laptops,  and football shoes. Mescellany burgers are also being thought about. The difference about these burgers is that it will have no content just like this blog.
Weirdo Author Kibroth advises Mr. Reader (yeah, I’m talkin’ to you!!!) to create mescist blogs and sites like this one, because that is the new style and later he may be marked as an out-of-fashion newbie.
Mescist literature, songs, and movies are also being thought about.
Please comment if you have any valuable suggestion. Meaningful suggestions are not allowed. Your suggestions will not at all be appreciated. (You crazy or what?! Why should I appreciate your drab suggestions on this drab blog??)
All your lousy comments are highly esteemed. (Perfect way to keep ‘em from commenting.)
[Sighs happily]
Ah, the joy of having a lame blog like this all to myself... No comments to separate us...just the blog, and me...It’s too much, really.

God bless you if you did not comment.


Yeah!!! This blog is the best in the universe!! Mescellany rocks!!!

Errr – ahem. Sorry. Got carried away.

Wise Up

If you still think Mescellany is a good blog, wise up.

Great Horror

The greatest horror a blogger can find is –

This blog.


                                                                                JMJ Jesus
All this I had been thinking that this blog was useless and just a thick and big and fat burden. But now –
Surprise, surprise, I’ve found a great use for it – It can make people sleep!
The Big Fat News Roll reported that it had been scientifically proved that just by reading one or two posts from Mescellany one could go to sleep. For some, just seeing the blog was enough.
The author is now wondering if he should change the blog’s name to Insomniacs’ Relief.
I bet you thought of that before me.  Kudos, thick and big and fat reader.

God bless.